
How to be more resilient to change!

How to be more resilient to change!

If you were like me, as a kid, you faced change head on and did so pretty often. 

Every year, you’d get a new teacher, were put in a new class or sent to various lessons, played on new sports teams. In summer, you’d go to camps with new kids and group leaders.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t ever remember being asked, “Hey Paul, would you like to do this or that?” I just remember ending up in a lot of new situations. It just happened and I had to deal. 

We may not have realized it but, as kids, change was around every corner and yes, sometimes it was scary. But you know what? We dealt and I don’t ever remember complaining about “change”.

We had resilience. 

So now that we’re all grown up, where did our resilience go, and more importantly – how can we get it back?